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Peace in the Storm!

Christian Devotional by Pastor Cecil Thompson

Isaiah 26:3-4

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.”

I had been searching for a picture of a small bird huddled behind a rock, when I found a remarkable painting by Jack E. Dawson. I have just been viewing this intriguing painting which he titled, “Peace in the Midst of the Storm.” It not only pictures a bird in a storm—it has five small quail like birds hidden behind a crashing waterfall in the midst of a thunderstorm. Wow!

It is such a comfort to me to understand that the Lord is always there with us in the midst of any storm we may encounter. Please repeat that statement—“The Lord is always with me in the midst of the storm!”

The idea of perfect peace is especially appealing when you are in a storm. Back a number of years ago Joyce and I were invited to take a cruise though the San Juan Islands of Washington State.

A friend of ours was using his cousin’s 30 foot cabin cruiser for the trip. The first day was very smooth, but then came a hazardous crossing of open ocean water. It was soon evident that we were in trouble. Waves on every side tossed us to and fro at will.

It was during that time that we longed for a place of perfect peace. After several hours of battling the waves we could see hope out ahead. San Juan Island was ahead and was blocking the wind. We could see calm water in the distance, but we were still in the storm. It was a tremendous relief when we reached the calm.

In today’s Scripture Isaiah is giving us the remedy for dealing with the storms of life. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.”

Yes, there will be storms in the forecast for us. Storms are inevitable. But we also have the confident assurance that the Lord will shelter us in the storms.

He will not always use the same methods to protect us, but He will do so. At times He will allow the storms to pass by on each side while we are protected in the palm of His hand.

At other times He will permit us to go through some violent storm. I think He does this to show how true believers should react when our world is turned upside down.

Do you want peace in the midst of your storm? Place your trust in the Lord and do not allow the storm to shake your faith. Praise the Lord that He is greater than any storm we will encounter!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

— Pastor Cecil

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